华山松(Pinus armandi Franch)是毕节地区的重要用材树种。它主要分布在海拔1000—2500米的高寒山区,其生长迅速,材质优良,抗寒性强,径济价值较高,也是群众喜爱的主要造林树种之一。但是,近几年来,华山松落针病在全区八个县均有不同程度的危害。据七九年全区森林病虫害普查,威宁、赫章、大方、毕节、纳雍等县华山松人工林发病较为普遍,其中以幼树及中龄林发病较重。如威宁县狗街马鞍山华山松林落针病被害率达88.2%,感
Pinus armandi Franch is an important tree species in Bijie. It is mainly distributed in the alpine mountainous area of 1000-2500 meters above sea level. Its rapid growth, good material quality, strong cold resistance and high economic value are also one of the main afforestation species favored by the masses. However, in recent years, Huashan Pine needle disease in the eight counties in the region have varying degrees of harm. According to the survey of forest pests and diseases in 1979, the occurrence of Pinus armandii plantations in Weining, Hezhang, generous, Bijie and Nayong prefectures is more common, with the heavier incidence of young trees and middle-aged forests. Such as Weining County Dog Street Ma On Shan Pinus Pine needle attack rate of 88.2%, feeling