以北京市农林科学院作物所为主育成的玉米自交系“黄早四”被农业部选中 ,作为全国农业行业重大科技成果的五个代表之首 ,参加了 2 0 0 0年 12月31日在中华世纪坛举行的“本世纪国家重大科技成果封存仪式”。由中央领导在世纪坛旋转体内永久封存了建国 50年来在党的领导下我国?
The first inbred line “Huangzao Si”, a maize inbred line that was bred mainly by the Crops Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, was chosen by the Ministry of Agriculture as the first of the five representatives of the major scientific and technological achievements in the national agricultural industry. Attended on December 31, 2000 The “Sequestration Ceremony of Major National Scientific and Technological Achievements in this Century” Held in China Millennium Monument. Under the leadership of the party under the leadership of the party, has the country’s leadership permanently sealed the Central Government’s rotation in the Millennium Monument?