1998年,当中央电视台春节联欢晚会的新年钟声带着“沱牌” 的祝福响彻千家万户,传遍五洲四海,所有的炎黄子孙都为新春的美好欢欣鼓舞的时候,作为酿造沱牌美酒的射洪人此刻还多了几许振奋,多了一种自豪。是的,20年前,射洪几乎没有什么像样的工业,即使现在已经名扬四海的“沱牌”,那时也只是一个仅有几十人的小作坊。是改革开放的春风,吹开了射洪工业的绚丽之花。20年间,射洪工业实现了从小到大、由弱到强的历史巨变,演绎出了无数的传
In 1998, the New Year’s bell of the China Central Television Spring Festival Gala rehearsed through thousands of households with the greetings of the “Daipai Card” and spread all over the continent. When all the descendents of the Chinese New Year were cheered and cheered for the joy of the new year, they used it as a brewing sign. The people of Shehong, who had a good wine, had a few more excitement at the moment and they were more proud. Yes, 20 years ago, Shehong did not have a decent industry. Even if it is now known as the “card” brand, it was only a small workshop with dozens of people. It is the spring breeze of reform and opening up that has opened the splendid flower of Shehong. In the past 20 years, Shehong Industrial has achieved historical changes from small to large and from weak to strong, and has performed numerous passes.