单侧半球受损的病人用力闭合眼睑可产生眼球同向偏视,多偏视病灶对侧,此眼征首先由Prezzolin于1913年报告,后来报告证实了他的发现,并称之为反常Bell氏现象。本文对单侧半球受损的中风病人的此眼征进行观察分析。 资料和方法 本文收集了经CT或MR证实的单侧半球中风病人46例,男30例,女16例,年龄40~76岁,平均60.3岁。均于发病后3天内行头颅CT或MR检查。眼征及其它神经系体征检查均在发病72小时内进行。眼部体征观察方法;患者平卧位,检查者站立在
Patients with unilateral hemispheric impaired closure of the eyelids can produce the same eyeball bias, ophthalmic lesions opposites, the eye sign was first reported by Prezzolin in 1913, and later confirmed his findings report and called abnormal Bell ’S phenomenon This article on the hemisphere in patients with impaired stroke of the eye syndrome were observed and analyzed. Materials and Methods This article collected 46 cases of unilateral hemispheric stroke confirmed by CT or MR, including 30 males and 16 females, aged 40-76 years (average 60.3 years). 3 days after the onset of head CT or MR examination. Eye sign and other neurological signs were detected within 72 hours of onset. Eye signs observation method; patients supine position, the examiner stood in