Experimental Investigation of Stator Flow in Diagonal Flow Fan

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhmlivefor49
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Experimental investigations were conducted for the internal flow of the stator of the diagonal flow fan.Comer separation near the hub surface and the suction surface of the stator blade are focused on.At the design flow rate,the values of the axial velocity and the total pressure at stator outlet decrease near the suction surface at around the hub surface by the influence of the comer wall.At low flow rate of 80-90 % of the design flow rate, the comer separation between the suction surface and the hub surface can be found,which become widely spread at 80 % of the design flow rate. Experimental investigations were conducted for the internal flow of the stator of the diagonal flow fan. Comer separation near the hub surface and the suction surface of the stator blade are focused on. At the design flow rate, the values ​​of the axial velocity and the total pressure at stator outlet decrease near the suction surface at around the hub surface by the influence of the comer wall. At low flow rate of 80-90% of the design flow rate, the comer separation between the suction surface and the hub surface can be found, which became widely spread at 80% of the design flow rate.
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