苏州春耕农资准备就绪——围绕结构调整 组织适销品种

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春回大地,万象更新,一年一度的春耕生产将全面展开。苏州市供销社农资部门紧紧围绕全市农业结构调整,全力以赴搞好春耕农资的组织、供应工作。到目前为止,全市春耕农资已准备就绪。全系统已组织入库待供各种化肥9.45万吨,农药1025吨,农膜250吨,为搞好春耕农资供应打下了坚实的物质基础。今年苏州市为发展高效农业,农业种植结构大幅度调整,经济类作物种植面积增加。为适应这一变化,苏州市农资部门从11月份开始就组织人员深入农村调研市场,分析春耕农资市场新变化、新特点,从而根据农业生产和 Spring return to the earth, Vientiane update, the annual spring plowing production will be fully launched. The agricultural resources department of Suzhou City’s supply and marketing cooperatives closely focused on the adjustment of the city’s agricultural structure and went all out to do a good job of organizing and supplying the spring plowing agricultural resources. So far, the city’s spring plowing has been ready. The whole system has been organized for storage of 94,500 tons of various fertilizers, 1,025 tons of pesticides, and 250 tons of agricultural film. This has laid a solid material foundation for the supply of spring ploughing agricultural resources. In order to develop high-efficiency agriculture this year, the city of Suzhou has greatly adjusted its agricultural planting structure and increased the area under cultivation of economic crops. In order to adapt to this change, the Suzhou Agricultural Resources Department has been organizing personnel to in-depth rural research markets since November to analyze the new changes and new features of the spring plowing agricultural capital market, so as to
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恐惧中的思索王红英是一个普通的女人,和大多数成家结婚的女人一样,她曾经是一位相夫教子的贤妻良母,可是,母亲的一次食物中毒,让她的命运有了改变。 1995年8月的一天,正在