Objective To screen for RET proto-oncogene mutations in patients with pheochromocytoma disseminated. Methods Genomic DNA was collected from 42 pathologically diagnosed patients with pheochromocytoma, of which 12 were peripheral blood genomic DNA and 30 were genomic DNA extracted from pheochromocytoma histopathology. Genetic mutations were screened using DNA sequencing technology on the tenth and the eleventh exons of the RET oncogene. Results In 42 cases, 2 cases had gene mutation in exon 11 of RET gene. One case of codon 634 changed from TGC to TAC and the other case of codon 632 changed from GAG to AAG. CONCLUSIONS: RET proto-oncogene mutation carriers are present in patients with pheochromocytoma and it is necessary to routinely screen RET proto-oncogenes in patients with disseminated pheochromocytoma.