目前关于民间投资的理论探讨 ,就其所引数据而言 ,多数是指民间固定资产投资。有关的文章定性分析居多 ,本文试从定量的角度 ,对民间固定资产投资的增长趋势、影响因素进行了数理实证和思辩式实证分析。自1993年以来 ,我国的民间固定资产投资尽管也存在着绝对数量、相对比和贡献率的上升趋势 ,但关键指标增长率总体上是呈下降态势的。我国的民间投资函数是δI=0.1330038δY -18.14925δR ,实际贷款利率r和国民收入 y是较为重要的影响因素 ,但更为重要的是政策因素、市场环境因素、制度因素等。应当寻求建立民间资本良好的内生金融机制 ,实行中性的财政政策 ,开放投资领域、消除投资壁垒 ,对非国有企业减免税等措施促进民间固定资产投资增长
The current theoretical discussion on private investment, in terms of the data it refers to, refers to the majority of private investment in fixed assets. The qualitative analysis of the articles is mostly, this paper tries quantitatively from the perspective of the growth of private investment in fixed assets, the influencing factors of empirical evidence and empirical analysis. Since 1993, although the absolute quantity, relative ratio and contribution rate of non-state investment in fixed assets in China have also risen, the growth rate of key indicators generally shows a downward trend. China’s private investment function is δI = 0.1330038δY -18.14925δR, the actual lending rate r and national income y are more important influencing factors, but more important are the policy factors, market environment factors and institutional factors. We should seek to establish a sound endogenous financial mechanism for private capital, implement a neutral fiscal policy, open up investment areas, eliminate investment barriers and promote non-state investment in fixed assets such as tax reduction and exemption for non-state-owned enterprises