Effects of Different Setting pers on Trapping Tobacco Heights of Noctuid Trap- Noctuids

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests(植物病虫害研究:英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoguopu
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[Objective] To figure out the optimal setting height of gyplure trappers for controlling such pests as Spodoptera litura,Helicoverpa assulta,Helicoverpa armigera Hubner and Agrotis ypsilon that endanger tobacco leaves,and screen trappers suitable for the
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<正> 河南美术出版社最近推出大型丛书——《现代山水画库》。该丛书是河南美术出版社近期将要陆续出版的大型系列套书《现代画库》中的第一套丛书。《现代山水画库》共分13
Effect of sowing date on growth,yield and diseases and pests occurrence in sunflower Helianthus annuus L. were compared and the relationship between sowing date
<正> 在我的画展上,许多朋友问:“你还是坚持现实主义?”“你还是传统派?”我无言以对。我好象没有什么“主义”和派别,或者说这些问题还是留给理论家吧。画画总是兴之所至、
<正> 艺术是真情实感的产物,任何艺术作品,不管是抽象、具象、纯形式,都包含着作者一种纯粹的情感倾泻,当然,其中有俗雅之别,高低之分,但是再俗再低,也都比那种自觉不自党泯
<正> 《夺》是天河体育中心的主雕,它耸立于这个中心三大场馆之间的中央喷水池之上。 《夺》高12米,底座用8根不锈钢立柱做成,托举着红、蓝、黑
[Objective]The paper was to solve the weakness of heavy postharvest diseases and non-endurable storage of‘Shatangju&#39;,to improve the preservation effect of
Indoor rearing observation and efficacy test of insecticides were conducted in 2010 to understand the biochemical characteristics of Drosophila melanogaster and
<正> 朱丹同志,江苏徐州人,1916年生。在天津南开大学求学时,参加救亡学生运动,在南开建立“中华民族解放先锋队”,组织铁流文艺社和天津漫画协会。1936年加入中国共产党。被