1病例介绍患者女,44岁,农民,因小细胞肺癌近3年,拟化疗于2014年3月5日入院。既往有顺铂过敏可疑。体检:身高155 cm,体质量51 kg,T 36.5℃,R 19次/min,HR 79次/min,BP 123/88mmH g,体力状况评分(Performance status,PS)0分。双侧颈部未触及明显肿大淋巴结,右侧腋下可触及一巨大肿块,直径12cm,左侧腹股沟可触及直径约5 cm肿大淋巴结,质韧,固定,边界清,无压痛;心肺听诊无殊,腹软,中上腹轻压痛,左下腹
1 case description Female patient, 44 years old, farmer, due to small cell lung cancer for nearly 3 years, to be chemotherapy on March 5, 2014 admission. Cisplatin allergy in the past suspicious. Physical examination: height 155 cm, body weight 51 kg, T 36.5 ° C, R 19 times / min, HR 79 beats / min, BP 123/88 mmHg, and performance status (PS) score 0. Bilateral neck did not touch the obvious enlarged lymph nodes, right axilla can reach a huge tumor, diameter 12cm, the left groin can reach about 5 cm in diameter swollen lymph nodes, quality and tough, fixed, border clear, no tenderness; cardiopulmonary auscultation No special, abdomen soft, mild tenderness in the abdomen, left lower quadrant