时间十月二十三号晚六点四十分始地点河南师范大学礼堂测验项目:观《血、总是热的》自发反应人员:大学生、院职工共约三千人。通常,演员登台演出,精彩之处台下掌声雷动,不足为奇;看电影时,影院的掌声却常常被人视为异端,因为观者与影人距离甚远,掌声谁听?可是,《血,总是热的》放映时,竟引得这座高等学府的观众阵阵掌声。这掌声倒很能反映出一些“民意”。现特将此“民意测验”的纪要公布如下: 财政局干部到厂。罗:“把这个新的拆下,把那堆破烂拼上?”财干:“对!我是按制度办事。”罗打量他:“我还真长了见识!”此刻,影院哄笑,啪啪啪掌声四起。回合虽小,却如清风拂人心胸,舒服。女工方瑛:“夏书记,手工印花一天下来累的连腰都折了,怎么奖金越来越少啊?”党委书记批评道:“方瑛啊,怎么开口就是钱?工人阶级觉悟哪里去了!”方瑛反驳:“饱汉不知饿汉饥。我如果每月拿一百多块
Time at 23:40 on October 23 Place Venue of Henan Normal University Test items: The concept of “blood is always hot” Spontaneous reaction: college students, hospital staff a total of about 3,000 people. Often, it is no surprise that performers on stage perform great things and thunderous applause from the audience. While watching movies, the applause of theaters is often viewed as heresy because viewers and filmmakers are so far away from each other that they applaud. However, Blood, always hot “show, actually attracted the applause of this institution of higher learning audience. This applause can very well reflect some ”public opinion.“ Now this ”poll“ summary is announced as follows: Finance Bureau cadres to the factory. Luo: ”The new demolition, the pile of tattered spell?“ Choi Gan: ”Yes! I work according to the system.“ Luo called him: ”I’m really a long insight!“ At this moment, the cinema laughter, pop Pops applause everywhere. Round is small, but as the breeze blowing heart, comfortable. Female workers Fang Ying: ”Summer secretary, one day the manual printing even the waist are tired, how less and less bonus ah?“ Secretary of party committee criticized: ”Fang Ying, ah, how to open is money? The working class consciousness gone Fang Ying refuted: "I do not know the hungry hunger hunger, if I take more than a hundred pieces per month