闯出国门 天宽地阔

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石家庄市新华服装厂是一个建于1951年的老厂,今天已发展成为拥有1500多名职工,1000多台(套)各种现代化生产设备,近3000万元固定资产,200万件生产能力的企业集团,并以河北省最大服装生产厂家和石家庄市直属大企业之一,跻身在全省城镇集体工业百强企业之列。我厂从1959年开始,就为外贸部门加工生产出口服装,50%产品出口,这种依附外贸部门的生产、经营模式,完全处于被动的受支配地位,但尚能为续。到1988年,国家为扭转外贸部门的亏损局面,大刀阔斧对外贸体制进行改革。市场就是企业的生命线,只有拥有市场,才能搞活企业。1988年底我厂争得自营进出口权,是企业发展迈出的重要一步,然而面对着广阔的国际市场,却又着实犯了难。我们一无境外客户,二无外贸经验,三无外贸配额,四无外贸人才。老百姓讲:干等天 Shijiazhuang Xinhua Garment Factory is an old factory built in 1951. Today it has grown to have more than 1,500 employees, more than 1,000 Taiwan (sets) of various modern production equipment, nearly 30 million yuan in fixed assets, and 2 million pieces of production capacity. The enterprise group is one of the top garment manufacturers in Hebei Province and one of the large enterprises directly subordinated to Shijiazhuang City. It ranks among the top 100 collective industrial enterprises in the province. Since 1959, our factory has been processing and producing export garments for the foreign trade department, and 50% of its products have been exported. This mode of production and operation of the foreign trade department is completely in a passively dominated position, but it can still be continued. By 1988, the state had made drastic changes to the foreign trade system to reverse the loss situation in the foreign trade sector. The market is the lifeline of an enterprise. Only by having a market can the enterprise be invigorated. At the end of 1988, our factory won the right to import and export independently, which was an important step in the development of the enterprise. However, in the face of a vast international market, it was actually a real hardship. We have no foreign customers, no foreign trade experience, no foreign trade quotas, and no foreign trade talents. People say: wait for days
天地间走来了小小的我,不要问我的名字叫什么。我是一棵草,也有生命的绿色;我是一滴水,也有生命的浪波;我是一阵风,也有生命的风姿;我是一朵云,也有生命的姿态。 Between th
似乎还沉浸在2001年7月13日那个不眠之夜的狂欢中,时间的旋转门已然转到2007年的8月8日。从今天开始,我们可以理直气壮地向世界宣告:2008年北京奥运会真的来了。 It seems t