Statistical Downscaling Prediction of Summer Precipitation in Southeastern China

来源 :大气和海洋科学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianzhang5555
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A statistical downscaling approach based on multiple-linear-regression (MLR) for the prediction of summer precipitation anomaly in southeastern China was established,which was based on the outputs of seven operational dynamical models of Development of a European Multi-model Ensemble System for Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (DEMETER) and observed data.It was found that the anomaly correlation coefficients (ACCs) spatial pattern of June-July-August (JJA) precipitation over southeastern China between the seven models and the observation were increased significantly;especially in the central and the northeastern areas,the ACCs were all larger than 0.42 (above 95% level) and 0.53 (above 99% level).Meanwhile,the root-mean-square errors (RMSE) were reduced in each model along with the multi-model ensemble (MME) for some of the stations in the northeastern area; additionally,the value of RMSE difference between before and after downscaling at some stations were larger than 1 mm d-1.Regionally averaged JJA rainfall anomaly temporal series of the downscaling scheme can capture the main characteristics of observation,while the correlation coefficients (CCs) between the temporal variations of the observation and downscaling results varied from 0.52 to 0.69 with corresponding variations from -0.27 to 0.22 for CCs between the observation and outputs of the models.
1 基本情况rn2006年4月,中央电视台整合台网络宣传部和中视网络发展有限公司,成立央视国际网络有限公司,亦称“央视网”.2013年底,中央电视台分党组决定,将央视网从中国国际
1 基本情况rn2014年,浏阳广电提出“全媒体价值链”发展思路,开始内部融合,推进传统媒体与新媒体的融合发展.2019年3月,浏阳日报社、浏阳广播电视台按照《浏阳市融媒体中心建
目的:比较血浆置换、半量血浆置换联合双重血浆吸附(DPMAS)、先等量血浆置换再联合DPMAS、先DPMAS再联合等量血浆置换4种人工肝模式治疗肝衰竭的经济学特点。方法:用Treeage pr
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1 基本情况rn青田传媒集团由青田侨报社与青田县广播电视台整合而成.整合前,两家媒体积极探索媒体融合工作,各自初步建成了采编播系统.青田侨报社拥有《青田侨报》、青田侨报