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陈良具今年60岁,是商城县钓鱼人中大名鼎鼎的人物。每次见到他,心里总觉得开心,同时,大家心中充满了对他的钦佩。他的美名,不仅是因为他钓鱼的技术好,屡屡有佳绩,而且从不吃独食”,只要有了好地方钓鱼,他很“乐意告诉其他的钓友。与他熟悉的人有空就爱和他一起出钓,因他对鱼情 Chen Liang with 60 years old this year, is the famous fishing village in Shangcheng County. Every time I see him, I always feel happy, at the same time, everyone is full of admiration for him. His reputation, not only because of his fishing technique is good, often success, and never eat alone “, as long as there is a good local fishing, he is” happy to tell other fishing friends. He is familiar with people who love to hang out with him, because of his love of fish
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