根据国家标准局下达的任务,为了做好国内机械振动与冲击标准(基础性通用性标准)的规划、组织协调,以及做好国际标准化组织机械振动与冲击技术委员会 IOS/TC108的对口工作,由归口单位机械工业部郑州机械研究所于1984年7月3日—5日在扬州主持召开了此次会议。到会的有机械工业部、航空部、航天部、造船总公司、铁道部、兵器部、计量研究院、劳动保护所、建筑研究院等单位主管标
According to the tasks assigned by the State Bureau of Standards, in order to do a good job in the planning, organization and coordination of the domestic machinery vibration and impact standards (basic commonality standards) as well as the counterpart work of IOS / TC108 of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Machinery Vibration and Impact The focal point of the Ministry of Machinery Industry Zhengzhou Institute of Machinery in July 3, 1984 -5 days in Yangzhou chaired the meeting. There will be a supervisor of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, the Ministry of Aviation, the Ministry of Space, the Shipbuilding Corporation, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Weaponry, the Institute of Metrology, the Institute of Labor Protection, and the Institute of Building Research