
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xphan
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美国白蛾是果树,林木生产的大敌,是举世注目的世界性检疫害虫。原发生于北美洲和墨西哥,1940年传入欧洲,1947年传入亚洲。1979年我国辽宁省中朝边境农作物病虫害调查队在丹东市区首次发现。为了及早扑灭美国白蛾,防止蔓延,并根据农业部的指示,我们在对美国白蛾调查的基础上对其生活习性、防治方法开展了研究工作,现将情况整理如下。 American white moth is the enemy of fruit trees and trees production, and is a world-renowned quarantine pest. Originally in North America and Mexico, in 1940 into Europe, 1947 into Asia. In 1979, Liaoning Province China-DPRK border pests and diseases investigation team was first discovered in downtown Dandong. In order to exterminate the American white moth early and prevent it from spreading, and based on the instructions from the Ministry of Agriculture, we conducted research on its habits and methods of prevention and treatment based on the investigation of the American white moth, and the situation is summarized as follows.
一、松毛虫赤眼蜂(图1、成虫,图2、赤眼蜂产卵状) 虫体长约1毫米。卵寄生,触角短,索节最多2节。前翅宽,后缘脉退化,翅上刚毛呈放射状。跗节3节。雄虫体黄色,腹部黑褐色;触角
在宜昌柑桔产区,广西食螨瓢虫 Stethorus(Parasthorus)guangxiensis pargxiensis pang et Mao 1978年普遍发现,并逐步上升为桔全爪螨paraetranychus citriMcg.捕食性天敌的
凋萎型稻白叶枯病,据Reitsma和Schuire1950年报导,在印度尼西亚即有发生。但当时认为是一种新病害,并命名引起此病的病原菌为xanthomonas Kresek Schure。及至1964年,后藤研
为了提高家蚕抗病力的功效,作者于1962年进行了紫外线照射家蚕的试验。初步肯定,照射能提高家蚕幼虫期对核型多角体病毒感染的抵抗力。今将试验结果整理于后,供作参考。 方
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