An analysis of the types and distribution characteristics of natural gas reservoirs in China

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjbxgb123
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The natural gas reservoir beds of different areas in China can be divided into three kinds,clastic natural gas reservoir bed,carbonate natural gas reservoir bed and special natural gas reservoir bed.They have different combination patterns controlled by deposition,diagenesis and tectonism.Our analysis indicates that the natural gas reservoirs are mainly distributed in the Precambrian,Palaeozoic,Mesozoic,and Tertiary-Quaternary.Craton basin,foreland basin and intracontinental rift basin which contain most of natural gas in China have special geological features and favorable accumulation conditions,and will be important exploration areas in the future. The natural gas reservoir beds of different areas in China can be divided into three kinds, clastic natural gas reservoir bed, carbonate natural gas reservoir bed and special natural gas reservoir bed. They have different combination patterns controlled by deposition, diagenesis and tectonism. Our analysis indicates that the natural gas reservoirs are mainly distributed in the Precambrian, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary-Quaternary.Craton basin, foreland basin and intracontinental rift basin which contain most of natural gas in China have special geological features and favorable accumulation conditions, and will be important exploration areas in the future.
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