一旦我国加入世界贸易组织 (WTO) ,国内市场就成为国际市场的一个组成部分 ,在计划经济指导下的标准化工作显然不能适应这种变化 ,标准化工作面对“入世” ,是一项很现实的工作。本文就标准化工作如何适应市场经济 ,迎接“入世” ,提出了作好三方面的过渡 ,即由内向型向外向型过渡、由产品型向商品型过渡、由单一型向系统型过渡 ,努力走出一条适应市场经济的标准化工作新路子。
Once China joins the World Trade Organization (WTO), the domestic market becomes an integral part of the international market. The standardization work under the guidance of the planned economy obviously cannot adapt to this change, and the standardization work is very realistic in the face of WTO entry. jobs. This article discusses how standardization works to adapt to the market economy and welcomes WTO accession. It proposes a transition in three areas: an inward-oriented outward-oriented transition, a product-based transition to a commodity-based transition, and a single-to-system transition. A new way of standardization work to adapt to the market economy.