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选矿的目的是要从矿石中把矿物分离出来;要实现这一目的需要通过许多步骤,也就是说必须经过一套选矿工艺流程。选矿是处理矿山开采出来的矿石,故一般过程是首先破碎,再磨碎、分级,才选分,其后还要对选出的产品进行加工处理。对这些过程如何安排,常常是决定生产的重要关键。简括的说,决定铜矿物选矿流程的重要因素是自然产出情况。由于地质结构的复杂性,矿床是多种多样的,在世界上很难看到两个产状完全相同的矿床。但以选矿观点对自然矿床进行分类基本上还是可以做到的。为了使铜生产战线上的同志便于掌握如何决定选矿流程,现举出几种比较常见的矿床类型作为例子,来说明何种矿床大概适于采用何种选矿流程。当然在具体讨论到某一矿床时,还可能会有些出入。 The purpose of beneficiation is to separate the minerals from the ore; a number of steps are required to achieve this, which means that a beneficiation process must be followed. Mineral processing is the ore mined from the mine, so the general process is the first crushing, and then grinding, grading, only selected points, but also on the selected products for processing. How to arrange these processes is often the key to determining production. In a nutshell, an important factor in determining the beneficiation process for copper minerals is the natural output. Due to the complexity of the geological structure, the deposits are diverse and it is difficult to see two deposits of exactly the same origin in the world. However, ore dressing point of view to classify the natural deposit can basically be done. In order to make it easier for comrades on the copper production front to grasp how to determine the beneficiation process, several more common types of deposits are cited as examples to illustrate which mineral deposits are probably suitable for the beneficiation process. Of course, in a specific discussion of a deposit, there may be some discrepancies.
据《冶金科技报》1984年5月10日报道,1983年度钢铁企业的烧结、炼铁两工序的能耗如下: According to the “Metallurgical Science and Technology Newspaper” reported o
比利时的炼铜工业主要集中在霍勃肯—奥维佩特冶金公司所属的霍勃肯铅厂与奥伦铜厂。比利时没有专门的粗铜冶炼系统,只有在利用高铜炼铅原料炼铅时综合回收铜 The copper i
川二一土一-一’一r、川”””,”,”’川一户’日.,”“,,” 。名{期’数数Q目qJ姗11 CO月任11迁︸勺Jg曰,上,上n‘几Q,‘,“91 11刁.10自O自1.一 总的论述日本稀土生产、应用