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郝寿臣先生是20世纪京剧舞台上对净行发展起到重要推动作用的一位京剧表演艺术家,由他开创的“架子花脸铜锤唱”的表演思想以及艺术践行,不仅使架子花脸在原有注重做派、工架的基础上,增强了唱腔和念白的比重,更把架子花脸推向了前所未有的发展高度,使架子花脸由旧时戏班中的附属地位提升到“挂二牌”甚至是“并挂头牌”的艺术地位,从而使架子花脸行当在20世纪进一步走向完善和成熟。与此同时,郝寿臣先生还是一位著名的戏曲教育家,在他的一生中除正式收樊效臣、王永昌、唐景一、袁世 Mr. Hao Shouchen is a Peking Opera performing artist who plays an important role in promoting the development of the Bank in the 20th century. The performance thought and artistic practice created by him are not only made in the original On the basis of paying attention to the work and workmanship, the proportions of singing and reading are enhanced, and the display of the shelf is pushed to an unprecedented height. As a result, the display of the shelf is elevated from the subsidiary status in the old class to the hanging card. Even the artistic status of “and hanging head ”, so that the shelves act as face to face further improvement and maturity in the 20th century. At the same time, Mr. Hao Shouchen is still a famous drama educator. In his life, he not only officially received Fan Xiaochen, Wang Yongchang, Tang Jingyi and Yuan Shi
据统计今年上半年 ,有 3种化肥产品进口额超1亿美元。氯化钾。上半年进口量 378.64万t,进口额4 .53亿美元 ,列于上半年化工进口产品进口额排序表 (以下简称进口排序表 )第 6位
作者收治1例瘤周脑内出血起病的脑膜瘤,结合文献报告如下.  1临床资料  患者女性66岁,排便时突发头痛、呕吐数次伴言语混乱3 h来诊.入院体检:言语略有混乱,余神经系统检查未见明显异常.头部CT平扫:左侧额叶直径约4 cm的等密度占位,后缘脑实质内见新月形高密度影.次日头颅MRI检查:平扫肿瘤性病灶于T1加权为等信号,T2加权为高信号。
2000年1-5月我国主要进出口商品量值表 January-May 2000 China’s main import and export commodities value list
The timing of the emplacement of the Weiya pluton remains controversial due to the absence of systematic and precise dating. This paper reports zircon SHRIMP U-
目的 观察 12例癌性体表溃疡放疗加化疗药物局部外敷的近期治疗疗效。方法 6 0 Co外照射加化疗药物局部外敷。结果 总有效率 10 0 % ,伤口愈合完全缓解 3例 ;部分缓解 9例
设计了一种用非线性光子晶体光纤直接输出超连续贝塞尔光束的方案。先用光纤熔接机在高非线性光子晶体光纤的输出端塌陷1 mm左右,然后将飞秒激光直接耦合到该非线性光子晶体