The article “Punitive damages award in US securities arbitration” was written based on the precedents, the suggestions of self-regulatory organizations and the opinions of the scholars concerned. The article mainly discusses the application of punitive damages in securities arbitration. The article is divided into three parts, the summary is as follows: The first part of the article discusses the power of securities arbitration institutions to award punitive damages. Starting from the analysis of the power of the arbitrators to award the punitive damages, the paper argues that the securities arbitrators should have the corresponding powers. U.S. Courts, represented by Garrity, consider that punitive damages should be limited to arbitration awards, but many courts recognize federal and state arbitration awards as having the power to make statutory and non-statutory awards for punitive damages. Self-regulatory organizations have affirmed the power of securities arbitration institutions to award punitive damages, and have been supported by relevant judicial precedents. In order to balance the interests of investors and the securities industry, self-regulatory organizations put forward a series of suggestions on improving punitive damages awards. The author analyzes the relevant suggestions and puts forward his own views. The second part of the article discusses the restrictions on the power of securities arbitration organizations to award punitive damages. The power of a securities arbitration institution to award a punitive damages may be indirectly or directly limited. Direct restrictions include: the parties directly agreed to exclude punitive damages awards, as well as the prohibition of state law prohibitions. For the parties agreed, self-regulatory organizations take a negative attitude. State law restrictions on arbitration institutions may not be recognized because of conflicts with federal law or discrimination in arbitration. NASD made a formal proposal on the law that decided the arbitration agency ruled that punitive damages should be awarded. However, the author believes that the proposal is not reasonable. There are two opposing views on whether the provisions of the state law chosen by the parties can deprive the arbitration body of the power to punitive damages. In contrast, the Mastrobuono case, which supports the power of arbitrators, received more support and is more in the public interest. The third part of the article discusses the limitation of the amount of punitive damages. There are two very different points of view about the amount of punitive damages that should not be limited. The author states that different perspectives have been analyzed and that the amount of compensation should be limited. NASD recommends limiting the amount of punitive damages and proposes a mode of restriction no higher than twice the amount of compensatory damages or the lower of $ 750,000. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the model, that its restrictions are necessary, but should be used on the high not low mode.