A dissipative soliton mode-locked laser based on Yb3 + -doped double-clad macroscopic mode-field polarized photonic crystal fiber is developed.The dynamics of dissipative soliton in fiber laser is analyzed by numerical simulation, The pulse narrowing mechanism is more abundant, the nonlinear absorption of the SESAM, the spectral filtering of the chirped pulse and the gain dispersion of the fiber also work at the same time, which makes the dissipative soliton mode-locking easier and Which is the dominant factor in the stable mode-locking mechanism. The filter can narrow the pulse simultaneously in frequency and time domain, and remove the pulse chirp. The limit pulse is always less than 1 ps in the cavity. At Experimentally, a direct output pulse width of 777fs without dispersion compensation cavity, a maximum average power of 1W and a repetition frequency of 48.27MHz, corresponding to a single-pulse energy of 20nJ femtosecond laser was achieved experimentally.