黄瓜是喜硼作物,在生长发育期特别是开花结瓜期对硼需要量较多。如硼肥供应不足,会影响授粉受精,造成化瓜、落瓜,降低结瓜率;易形成畸形瓜,如弯曲瓜、尖嘴瓜、大肚瓜;出现表皮木栓化、外表粗糙不平、内部空心等现象。因此,黄瓜开花结瓜期要注意补充硼肥。在黄瓜幼苗移栽长至6~8片新叶、开始出现花蕾时,及时补充硼肥,结合促花壮花保瓜壮瓜,每10~15 d叶面喷洒1次0.1%硼砂水溶液或0.1%硼酸
Cucumber is hi boric crops, especially in the growth and development of flowering knot need more boron. Such as the lack of boron supply, will affect pollination and fertilization, resulting in melon, fall melon, reducing the rate of fruiting; easy to form deformity melon, melon, melon, melon, belly melon; epidermis cork, rough appearance, Internal hollow and so on. Therefore, cucumber flowering period should pay attention to add boron fertilizer. In the cucumber seedlings transplanted grow up to 6 to 8 new leaves, began to appear buds, the timely addition of boron fertilizer, combined with strong flowers and strong flowers and melons, every 10 ~ 15 d foliage spraying 0.1% borax solution or 0.1 % Boric acid