Transplantation of vascular endothelial growth factor-modified neural stem/progenitor cells promotes

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghao2018
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Neural stem/progenitor cell(NSC) transplantation has been shown to effectively improve neurological function in rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage.Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) is a signaling protein that stimulates angiogenesis and improves neural regeneration.We hypothesized that transplantation of VEGF-transfected NSCs would alleviate hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats.We produced and transfected a recombinant lentiviral vector containing the VEGF165 gene into cultured NSCs.The transfected NSCs were transplanted into the left sensorimotor cortex of rats 3 days after hypoxic-ischemic brain damage.Compared with the NSCs group,VEGF m RNA and protein expression levels were increased in the transgene NSCs group,and learning and memory abilities were significantly improved at 30 days.Furthermore,histopathological changes were alleviated in these animals.Our findings indicate that transplantation of VEGF-transfected NSCs may facilitate the recovery of neurological function,and that its therapeutic effectiveness is better than that of unmodified NSCs. Neural stem / progenitor cell (NSC) has been shown to effectively improve neurological function in rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signaling protein that stimulates angiogenesis and improves neural regeneration. VEGF-transfected NSCs would alleviate hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats. We produced and transfected a recombinant lentiviral vector containing the VEGF165 gene into cultured NSCs. The transfected NSCs were transplanted into the left sensorimotor cortex of rats for 3 days after hypoxic-ischemic brain .Compared with the NSCs group, VEGF m RNA and protein expression levels were increased in the transgene NSCs group, and learning and memory abilities were significantly improved at 30 days. F urthermore, histopathological changes were alleviated in these animals. of VEGF-transfected NSCs may facilitate the recovery of neurologic al function, and that its therapeutic effectiveness is better than that of unmodified NSCs.
老王就是我爸。  据说,在我很小的时候,老王每天挂在嘴边的话就是:“宝贝啊,将来可不要为了谁家的小白脸,丢下老爸不管啊。”  女儿和父亲的关系,就像美国诗人纳许在《由女婴之父来唱的歌》之中写的那样:“他开始变得焦灼,因为总是感到某地正有个男婴也在长大,现在虽然浑浑噩噩,将来却注定会抢走他的宝贝。于是他每次在公园里看见婴儿车中的男婴,都不由神色一变,暗暗地想‘会不会是这个家伙?’想着想着,他‘杀机陡
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