信息时代的中国如何建立起适合国情的经济增长激励体制?中国在建立自己的“硅谷”——这是今年五月初在北京召开的“国际高新技术周”的潜台词。但是,为什么我们的“硅谷”“孵”不出Sun、3Com、Compaq? 托夫勒博士是个真正的经济学大师。八十年代的中国不会忘记他带来的“第三次浪潮”。今天,他应国家发展计划委员会的邀请访问中国并发表了演讲,演讲是以质疑我国经济发展战略开场的。
How does China establish an economic growth incentive system suited to the national conditions in the information era? China is building its own “Silicon Valley” - this is the subtext of the “International Hi-tech Week” held in Beijing in early May this year. However, why isn’t our “Silicon Valley” “incubated” with Sun, 3Com, Compaq? Dr. Toffler is a true master of economics. China in the 1980s will not forget the “third wave” he brought. Today, he visited China and delivered a speech at the invitation of the National Development Planning Commission. The speech was to question the opening of China’s economic development strategy.