
来源 :辽宁中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saarelff
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目的:对中药材二氧化硫污染状况做了综述和分析。方法:通过对近期相关文献的探索总结,从中药材中二氧化硫的污染来源、危害及检测方法等方面做了讨论分析。结论:中药材中二氧化硫残留问题,应从污染的源头进行控制,同时制定相应的限量标准。 Objective: To summarize and analyze the status of sulfur dioxide pollution in Chinese herbal medicines. Methods: Based on the recent literature review, the sources, hazards and detection methods of sulfur dioxide in Chinese herbal medicines were discussed and analyzed. Conclusion: Residues of sulfur dioxide in Chinese herbal medicines should be controlled from the source of pollution, and at the same time to develop the corresponding limit standards.
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