近年来,传统古生物学越来越多地和以发育生物学为代表的现代生物学结合,探讨重要的演化问题。在鸟类起源研究领域,也出现了整合不同学科信息,探讨鸟类主要特征演化规律的尝试。为此,徐星研究员联合包括美国国立卫生研究院和南加州大学的发育生物学家Susan Mackem博士和钟正明博士、加州大学伯克利分校的生物力学家Robert Dudley博士等,组成一个多学科团队,对用整合性方
In recent years, more and more traditional paleontology and developmental biology as the representative of modern biology combine to explore the important evolutionary issues. In the field of bird origin research, there have also been attempts to integrate the information of different disciplines and explore the evolution of the main characteristics of birds. To this end, Xu Xing researcher, including the United States National Institutes of Health and the University of Southern California developmental biologists Dr. Susan Mackem and Dr. Zhong Zhengming, University of California Berkeley biomechanics Dr. Robert Dudley, etc., formed a multidisciplinary team, With integrated side