热烈庆祝第30届国际地质大会在北京召开成都理工学院建院40周年 核原料与核技术工程系建系40周年 地学核技术开发省级重点实验室成立

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1996年是值得庆祝的一年:第30岂国际地质大会在京召开;成都理工学院(原成都时质学院)建院40周年;核原料与核技术工程系(三系)建系40周年。今年,经四川省教委批准建立地学核技术应用开发省级重点实验室。1956年,在地质矿产部和核工业总公司(原核工业部)的直接领导和关怀下,在苏 1996 is a year worth celebrating: the 30th International Geological Congress held in Beijing; the 40th anniversary of Chengdu Institute of Technology (formerly Chengdu Institute of Physical Education); and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Techniques (three lines). This year, approved by the Sichuan Provincial Education Commission to establish the provincial key laboratory of nuclear technology application and development. In 1956, under the direct leadership and care of the Ministry of Geology and Mines and the Nuclear Industry Corporation (former Ministry of Nuclear Industry)
对于一年一度的多伦多滨江马拉松赛盛世来讲,和它那超过2.2万人云集的比赛地,所有人的风头竟然完全被一名叫做方加·辛格(Fauja Sinqh)的100岁老人掩盖当然,表示不服气与无可
A home-made electron source assisted medium-frequency (MF) magnetron sputteringsystem was used to deposit thick CrN films on silicon and tungsten carbide subst
概述离子氮化工艺对电源的基本要求后,分别就电源的变压器、整流部分及控制部分的设计要旨作了 Summarize the basic requirements of the ion nitriding process on the p
小儿肿瘤易感性分子学研究在近几年有了显著的发展。本文主要介绍小儿肿瘤易感性分析中的运用及其影响因素。 In recent years, molecular research on the susceptibility
1 病例摘要患者 ,男 ,4 7岁 ,因反复返酸 ,呕血 ,柏油样便 8年 ,加重伴头晕 2d入院。 8年前有上腹不适 ,返酸 ,食欲差 ,乏力 ,无饥饿痛及餐后痛。诊断为“十二指肠球部溃疡”
Metamorphic basement is widespread in northeastern Jiangxi Province withcomplicated geological structure and enriched polymetallic deposits. It is one of the i