【摘 要】
腊八粥 腊八粥的来历已久,传说从前有对夫妇一生勤俭,老来得子,百般溺爱,使其养成了好吃懒做的恶习。待儿子长大娶妻后,老两口去世了,儿子没有依靠,常常吃了上顿没下顿。这
腊八粥 腊八粥的来历已久,传说从前有对夫妇一生勤俭,老来得子,百般溺爱,使其养成了好吃懒做的恶习。待儿子长大娶妻后,老两口去世了,儿子没有依靠,常常吃了上顿没下顿。这年腊月初八,外面风雪交加,小两口缺米少面,只好将盆盆罐罐扫了又扫,弄了一点杂粮,吃完这最后一顿便冻饿而死。后来人们以次为鉴,倡行勤俭持家,因而这一天家家要吃腊八粥。
Laba porridge Laba porridge has a long history, the legend has it that the couple lived a lifetime of thrift, the old son, spoiled, so that it developed a good habit of lazy. When his son grew up to marry his wife, the old married couple passed away, and their son did not rely on him. On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, outside the snow-capped mountains, the young couple lack faceless rice. They had to sweep the pots and pots and swept them and made a little miscellaneous grains. After the last meal, they were frozen and starved to death. Later, people learn from each other, advocating thrifty to support the family, so every day to eat Laba porridge.
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据史籍记载,太原是由晋阳古城迁建而成的。其古城故址在今太原南郊古城营一带,因城建在晋水之阳故名。远在2400多年前的春秋末期(公元前497年以前),由晋卿赵简子的家臣董安于建筑了晋阳城,他利用这里西依悬瓮山,东临汾河水的险要地形,用板夹土夯实筑成城廓,冶炼青铜铸成宫殿大柱,使晋阳成为城高池深、宫苑壮丽的城堡,是赵国初期的都城。 公元前246年,秦始皇统一中国,分天下为36郡,以晋阳为治,置太原郡
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