《国际金融报》介绍复旦大学华民教授的观点:要区分企业家和“资本家”,企业家和资本家是不同的。 区分企业家和“资本家”的关键就是看其到底做不做买业投资。现在凡是“暴富”、“暴卒”的都是不做实业投资的,他们不断地玩资本游戏,不付出经营的努力,只是不断制造概念,不断用小钱换取大钱,用担保换担保,制造所谓现金流,制造泡沫。
The “International Finance News” introduced the viewpoint of Professor Hua Min of Fudan University: To distinguish between entrepreneurs and “capitalists”, entrepreneurs and capitalists are different. The key to distinguishing between entrepreneurs and “capitalists” is to see if they do not invest in buying. Now all those who are “rich” and “blemished” don’t make industrial investments. They continue to play capital games and don’t pay for their operations. They just continue to create concepts, constantly use small money in exchange for big money, and use guarantees to exchange guarantees. Cash flow, making bubbles.