
来源 :中国水电医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waitvl
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小儿过敏性咳嗽,即咳嗽变异性哮喘,是哮喘的一种特殊类型,近年来发病率有上升趋势。现将1995年9月~1999年9月被误诊的本病42例分析如下。一般资料:42例均为本地区城市儿童,其中男26例,女16例,确诊时年龄最小11月,最大9岁。临床特点:冬、春季发作29例,夏季5例,秋季8例。所有患儿确诊时均病程半月以上,以咳嗽为唯一临床症状。运动后咳嗽加重18例。早晨剧咳20例,夜间发作性咳嗽27例,其中日轻夜重7例。家属中Ⅰ、Ⅱ级亲属中有慢性支气管炎患者11例,支气管哮喘患者 Allergic cough in children, that is, cough variant asthma, is a special type of asthma, the incidence in recent years there is an upward trend. Now in September 1995 ~ September 1999 was misdiagnosed 42 cases of the disease as follows. General information: 42 cases were urban children in this region, including 26 males and 16 females, the youngest age at diagnosis, the maximum age of 9 years. Clinical features: winter and spring seizures in 29 cases, 5 cases in summer, 8 cases in autumn. All children diagnosed when the course of more than half a month to cough as the only clinical symptoms. Cough increased after exercise in 18 cases. 20 cases of morning cough, nocturnal cough in 27 cases, of which 7 cases of light weight at night. Family members in Ⅰ, Ⅱ relatives in chronic bronchitis in 11 patients, bronchial asthma patients
目的 探讨JAK/STAT信号通路在大鼠类风湿关节炎(RA)发病过程中的表达及意义.方法 48只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为6组,对照组8只,其余均建立胶原诱导的关节炎(CIA)模型,分别在致敏后2、3、4、5、6周分批处死,应用苏木素-伊红(HE)染色、免疫组织化学及免疫印迹法检测发病不同时期滑膜组织的病理变化及p-STAT1、p-STAT3的表达.结果 致敏后2周大鼠出现关节炎表现,HE染色可
水电业界有一句话,“三峡最大,锦屏最难”。  换上防滑的大头皮鞋,国家开发投资公司董事长、雅砻江水电开发公司董事长王会生从锦屏一级水电站大坝右岸的平台上,沿着钢管和钢格板焊接而成的简易脚手架,向大坝左岸走去。  10年间,王会生几乎每年都来锦屏一次。这次他是来参加锦屏一级水电站首台机组投产发电仪式。此前,这台机组已经成功试运行了72小时。  大坝上游,夹江耸峙的两山之间,未竟全功的锦屏一级水电站拦