诺基亚创新科技(Nokia Technologies)将独家授权HMDglobal(下称“HMD”)在未来十年生产诺基亚品牌移动电话和平板电脑(日本除外)。诺基亚创新科技将向HMD收取销售诺基亚品牌移动产品的品牌授权与专利费用。功能机时代的霸主又回来了。5月18日,诺基亚集团宣布在全球范围启动诺基亚品牌重返移动设备、电话和平板电脑市场的计划。根据协议,诺基亚创新科技将独家授权HMDglobal(下称“HMD”)在未来十年生产诺基亚品牌移动电话和平板电脑(日本除外)。诺基亚创新科技将向HMD收取销售诺基亚品牌移动产品的品牌授权
Nokia Technologies will exclusively license HMDglobal (“HMD”) to make Nokia branded mobile phones and tablets (excluding Japan) for the next 10 years. Nokia Innovation Technology will charge HMD for brand licensing and royalties for the sale of Nokia branded mobile devices. The overlord of the era of functional machine is back. On May 18, Nokia announced the plan to launch the Nokia brand globally on the mobile device, phone and tablet markets. Under the terms of the agreement, Nokia Innovation and Technology will exclusively license HMDglobal (“HMD”) to make Nokia branded mobile phones and tablets (excluding Japan) for the next 10 years. Nokia Innovation Technology will charge HMD for branded licenses for the sale of Nokia branded mobile devices