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柑橘疮痂病是柑橘重要真菌型病害之一,主要分布在亚热带柑橘产区,在我国各柑橘种植区均有发生,特别在浙江、江西地区发生比较严重。新梢若生长不良,严重时易引起大量幼果、嫩叶脱落,未落果也会变小和畸形,从而影响品质和价格。发病原因:引发柑橘疮痂病的病原为半知菌亚门痂囊菌属真菌类的柑橘痂圆孢菌(图1),其无性阶段称为柑橘痂圆孢菌,但有性阶段在 Citrus scab is one of citrus important fungal diseases, mainly distributed in the subtropical citrus producing areas, which occur in all citrus growing areas in our country, especially in Zhejiang and Jiangxi. If the bad growth of new shoots, it is easy to cause a lot of young fruit when serious, the young leaves will fall off, the unfolded fruit will become smaller and deformity, thus affecting the quality and price. The cause of the disease: The pathogen causing the citrus scab is Candida albicans fungi of the genus Cryptosporidium citrinospores (Figure 1), its asexual stage is called the citrus circumcircle, but the sexual stage in