Sodium valproate belongs to valproamide and is a new drug used in clinical anti-epilepsy in recent years. According to clinical observation of treatment is better. However, there have been no reports of severe allergic reactions that cause large body rashes and even exfoliative dermatitis. Male patient, 25 years old. In 1986 due to epilepsy onset admitted to hospital. Admission body temperature, normal blood pressure, normal heart and lung function, unconscious bursts of consciousness. Patients treated with phenytoin sodium, phenobarbital extremely objectionable treatment with sodium valproate, the dose starting from 0.4g / d, gradually increased to 1.2g / d, after the maintenance of this amount of treatment. Patients with emotional stability, symptoms, without apnea, no neurological, digestive, hematopoietic, cardiovascular system and skin side effects. The patient was found 24 days after treatment