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患者罗××,女,32岁。经某医院X线诊断为“肾结石并感染”于今年2月27日来诊。初诊:腰痛,尿浊,神疲:乏力,纳差,有时心烦,手脚心热等。舌红,舌中后段有黄白厚腻苔、舌后段边缘有青纹,脉弦数。此为:湿热蕴结成石,结石久仃,气滞血淤兼肾水不足。治宜:清热利湿,通淋排石,补肾水,化淤滞。处方:石苇五钱、黄柏三钱、败(?)草六钱、海金沙一两(包煎)、车前子一两(包煎)、金钱草一两、滑石一两、冬葵子一两、川牛夕四钱、桃仁三钱、红花三钱、川栋子三钱、鸡内金三钱、生地四钱、狗脊六钱、甘草钱半。五剂。 Patient Luo × ×, female, 32 years old. After a hospital diagnosis of “kidney stones and infection” was diagnosed on February 27 this year. First visit: low back pain, urine turbidity, Shenpi: fatigue, anorexia, and sometimes upset, hot hands and feet and so on. Red tongue, thick yellow and white moss in the middle and back of the tongue, and blue lines on the edge of the posterior segment of the tongue. This is: the accumulation of hot and humid stones, stones long time, qi stagnation and blood stasis and kidney water shortage. Expelling: heat and dampness, palpable row of stone, kidney water, stasis stagnation. Prescription: Ishigaki five money, cork three money, defeat (?) grass six money, sea gold sand one or two (including fried), plantain one or two (including fried), money grass one or two, talc one or two, winter sunflower seed One or two, Chuaniu Xisi four money, peach kernel three money, safflower three money, Chuan Dongzi three money, chicken money three money, habitat four money, dog’s ridge six money, licorice money half. Five doses.