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2008年12月18日,开国少将,原湖南省革委会主任黎原同志,因病医治无效,在北京逝世,享年92岁。黎原是河南省息县人,1938年参加革命,同年加入中国共产党。抗日战争时期,他历任学员、教员、队长、副营长、教导大队大队长等职,参加了保卫党中央保卫陕甘宁边区等战役战斗。解放战争时期,他历任东北民主联军吉黑纵队一大队政委、团政委、团长等职,参加了攻克长春、三下江南、开原攻坚战、辽沈、平津、宜当等战役战斗。新中国成立后,他历任团长、师参谋长、副师长、代师长、师长、副军长、副军长兼参谋长、广州军区副参谋长、军长、军长兼湖南省革委会主任、兰州军区副司令员等职,参加了湘西剿匪和抗美援朝,为部队革命化、现代化、正规化建设作出了贡献。1978年12月至1983年11月任中国人民解放军基建工程兵副主任。曾任北京市黄埔军校同学会会长。黎原是中国共产党第九、十、十一届中央候补委员,第六、七届全国政协委员。他1955年被授予大校军衔,1964年晋升为少将军衔,曾荣获二级独立自由勋章、二级解放勋章和独立功勋荣誉章。 December 18, 2008, the founding major, Comrade Li Yuan, former director of Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee, died of illness at the age of 92 at the age of 92 in Beijing. Li Yuan was a native of He County, Henan Province. He joined the revolution in 1938 and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as a trainee, teacher, captain, deputy battalion commander, brigade commander of the brigade, took part in defending the Central Committee to defend the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and other battle fights. During the War of Liberation, he served successively as political commissar, political commissar and head of the first black coalition of the Northeast Democratic Coalition. He took part in the battle to fight Changchun, three southern rivers, open the original war of aggression, Liaoshen, Pingjin and Yi Dang. After the founding of New China, he served as chief of staff, division chief of staff, deputy division commander, chief of the division, division commander, deputy commander, deputy commander and chief of staff, deputy chief of staff of the Guangzhou Military Region, commander and commander of the Hunan Provincial Revolutionary Committee Director, deputy commander of the Lanzhou Military Region and other staff, participated in the suppression of bandits and the war on aiding the DPRK in western Hunan, and made contributions to the revolutionization, modernization and standardization of the armed forces. From December 1978 to November 1983, he was the deputy director of the infrastructure construction engineer of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Former Beijing Whampoa Military Academy fellow. Li Yuan was the ninth, tenth and eleventh Central Committee Alternate members of the Communist Party of China, the sixth and seventh members of the CPPCC National Committee. He was awarded the rank of colonel in 1955, promoted to rank of major general in 1964, has won two medals of independence and freedom, the liberation of two liberations and independent meritorious service honor chapter.