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在地理标志保护产品的引领下,禹州钧瓷已经不再是一张简单的“文化名片”而是禹州市旅游、钧陶瓷等众多产业的“魂”在日前结束的2015年中国品牌价值评价信息发布会上,钧瓷以215.26亿元的区域品牌价值名列工艺品、中药材及其他类地理标志产品组第一名。t钧瓷产于河南省禹州市,作为中国五大名瓷之一,始于唐,盛于宋,距今已有1300年的历史,一直以其悠久的生产历史、深厚的文化底蕴和神奇的窑变艺术享誉海内外,素有“黄金有价钧无价”之称,“钧 Guided by the protection of geographical indications, Yuzhou Jun Porcelain is no longer a simple ”cultural business card“ but Yuzhou Tourism, Jun ceramics and many other industries ”Soul “ in the recently concluded 2015 Annual China Brand Value Evaluation Information Conference, Jun porcelain 21.526 billion yuan worth of regional brand names handicrafts, Chinese herbal medicines and other types of geographical indications product group first. Junjun porcelain produced in Yuzhou City, Henan Province, as one of China’s five famous porcelain, began in the Tang, flourished in the Song Dynasty, dating back 1300 years of history, has been its long history of production, profound cultural heritage and Fantastic kiln change art world-renowned, known as ”gold priceless Jun “, ”Jun