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△我所“钢氢氧氮标准样品及其制备工艺”专利申请已在92年3月18日发明专利公报上公开。该项发明的产品可同时用作钢中氢氧氮气体分析的标准样品。长期以来钢种气体分析分别采用氢、氧、氮各自的标样,以对分析仪器进行校验。目前,国外虽已有氧、氮联合的标钢提供,但至今仍无适用的钢中氢、氧、氮联合标样。随着钢中气体联测仪器的出现,联合标样极为需要。该项发明的联合标样具有良好的均匀性和稳定性,可以长期保存,经使用证明分析结果与标准值一致、重量恒定,使用前不必称重,具有三个元素的标准值。国产和进口的单测或联测仪器都能适用,可充分发挥多功能标样的作用,对提高产品质量将起重要保证作用,具有较大的社会效益, △ My “steel oxy-nitrogen standard sample and preparation process” patent application has been published on March 18, 92 invention patent gazette. The inventive product can be used simultaneously as a standard sample for oxyhydrogen gas analysis in steel. Long-term steel gas analysis were used hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, respectively, the standard sample, in order to check the analytical instruments. At present, although there is provided oxygen and nitrogen combined standard steel in foreign countries, there is still no applicable standard sample of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in steel so far. With the advent of gas in the steel joint measuring instruments, the joint standard is extremely needed. The invention of the joint standard sample has good uniformity and stability, can be stored for a long time, the use of proven analytical results consistent with the standard value, weight constant, do not have to weigh before use, with three elements of the standard value. Domestic and imported single or joint measurement instruments can be applied, can give full play to the role of multi-functional standards, to improve product quality will play an important role in ensuring social, with greater social benefits,
交流阻抗技术已经日益广泛地应用于电化学界面的研究中,本刊将分期介绍这项技术在腐蚀速度测试、涂层性能评定以及铝阳极氧化膜性能研究中的应用。 AC impedance technology
目前,我所已有四项科技成果列入“火炬”计划项目,其中有一项列入1991年的国家级“火炬”计划项目。现简介如下: 1、形状记忆合金植入人体器件 形状记忆合金是新型的生物医
1 SW1-1(2、3)微机绝对座标数显表 该数显表在不对称脉冲调宽的基础上作了较大的改进,使功能大为扩展,实现了绝对座标数显的智能化,是国内独创的新型数显表。是现有机床改造
本所产品:优质离心铸钢管 厂所结合 Our products: high-quality centrifugal steel pipe factory combined 
7月14日正式公布的《中共中央国务院关于全面推进集体林权制度改革的意见》,明确了集体林权制度改革的内容,国家林业局政策法规司负责人对《意见》进行了解读。 The Opinion