【摘 要】
A γ-Al2O3 particles reinforced Al-Si alloy matrix composite was fabricated by adding NH4Al(SO4)2 to molten aluminum alloy. TEM observation shows that in-situ
【出 处】
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing
A γ-Al2O3 particles reinforced Al-Si alloy matrix composite was fabricated by adding NH4Al(SO4)2 to molten aluminum alloy. TEM observation shows that in-situ γ-Al2O3 particles are generally spherical and uniformly distributed in the matrix. The results of dry sliding wear tests show that the wear resistance of the composites increases with increasing mass fraction, and the volume loss is considerably lesser than that of the matrix and is lesser than that of the composites by adding γ-Al2O3 particles directly.
A γ-Al 2 O 3 particles reinforced aluminum-Si alloy matrix composite was fabricated by adding NH 4 Al (SO 4) 2 to molten aluminum alloy. TEM results shows that in-situ γ-Al 2 O particles are generally spherical and uniformly distributed in the matrix. dry sliding wear tests show that the wear resistance of the composites increases with increasing mass fraction, and the volume loss is considerably lesser than that of the matrix and is lesser than that of the composites by adding γ-Al2O3 particles directly.
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