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  As the London Olympic Games gets going, more than 10,000 private-jet movements will happen in two weeks'' time. The party of the jets could be more exciting than any other air shows. The Chinese are still rarely seen though.
  伦敦共有希斯罗、盖威克、斯坦斯特德、城市、卢顿5座机场,其中希斯罗、盖威克是枢纽机场。 希思罗机场现在拥有4个航站楼,在7月26日到8月3日期间,预计客流量将从目前的每天95000人增加到138000人。为了缓解压力,在这段时间内,所有的包机和私人飞机被要求去其他机场起降。
  英国国家空中交通管理局(NATS)的伦敦管制区负责人保罗·哈斯金斯(Paul Haskins)表示,奥运期间伦敦地区将会比平时多出约4000架次的航班。另外,在奥运会前后还将有700架大型客机和3000多架公务机在伦敦东南边的机场起降。
  伦敦奥运会的公务机起降架次较北京奥运会增长了10倍,如此大规模的公务机起降与激增的民航航班叠加,为伦敦的空域管理提出了严峻挑战。除了运送观看奥运比赛的旅客的民航客机,在场馆周围进行电视转播的直升飞机,都将增加空域的拥挤程度。空管人员表示,类似气球、直升飞机等小型飞行器可能会跟民航客机争夺空域,因此将对这些飞行器进行必要的管制。所有VIP 直升机都不可能获允靠近体育场,任何国家的首脑都将不得不乘坐地面交通工具从伦敦市中心抵达比赛现场。
  根据英国政府空域安全规定,平衡大量上升的空域需求是NATS 的一项重要工作。通过广泛的咨询与模拟,NATS 提交了一份既不影响政府安全限制又能大大增强交通流的临时管制空域(CAS[T])的成功建议。英国相关机构已经修改了去年三月首次规划的奥运会期间禁飞与限制空域的信息。在中国公务机数量和使用不断增长的情况下,英国对公务机较为“宽容”的飞行管理无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。
  巴航将与伦敦斯坦斯特德机场运营的巴航授权服务中心网络成员英福莱特公务机中心有限公司(Inflite The Jet Centre Ltd)共同对客户进行服务。包括安排驻场服务代表,如将英福莱特飞机地面紧急订货(AOG)行动小组成员的数量增加一倍,每周七天每天24小时待命,随时准备前往伦敦地区的所有机场及英国境内的其他城市。此外,英福莱特还提供关键任务工具及地面支持设备。
  公务航空人士认为,目前中国企业和企业家对公务机的使用还没有成为主流,但在国外很多500强企业对公务机的使用已经常态化,尤其是在奥运会这样的全球性、高规格、高关注度的顶级盛会上,国外大企业更加注重企业形象和商务效率,这也是伦敦奥运公务机流量爆增的一个重要原因。   国内对公务机的使用主要是民营企业,而民营企业在国际上的实力和地位并不突出,能在奥运会上呼风唤雨的少之又少。很难想象一家中国企业高规格赞助了奥运会,其高层团队会坐普通航班前往,这一点从北京奥运会接待的公务机情况就能看出来,主要赞助商企业均以公务机到访。
  10 times more movements than the Beijing Games
  London has five airports, Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, City and Luton; Heathrow and Gatwick being the main hub airports. Heathrow has four terminals and is expected to receive 138,000 passengers a day between July 26 and August 3rd, vs. 95,000 on an ordinary day. To alleviate the pressure, all the charter planes and private jets are diverted to other airports.
  London City Airport started to take bookings as early as February 1st. Business aviation professionals believe that jet users are not heeding the advice of booking far in advance. During the Games, London tightens airspace control over the city and beyond. Professionals urge operators to book slots well in advance. In the two weeks of the Games, more than 10,000 private-jet movements will take place, 40% more than an ordinary summer.
  Paul Haskins, the London head of NATS said that London would have an additional 4,000 flights during the Games. In addition, there are 700 large commercial aircrafts and more than 3,000 business jets to take off and land to the southwest London during an extended period.
  Four years ago, Beijing Capital Airport hosted 170 national heads, 446 aircraft movements for dignitaries and 630 private-jet movements. During the 2010 World Expo, the number of jets was a lot more. There were more than 3,000 movements, far exceeding the Beijing Games. The FOB in Beijing had been constructed especially to serve the Olympic VIPs. It is fair to say that the Beijing Games ushered the “private-jet era” for the Beijing Capital Airport.
  Challenges and Opportunities
  Aircraft movements for the London Games are 10 times more than that of the Beijing Games. Private jets and surging number of commercial flights pose great challenge to London’s airspace management. Furthermore, there are helicopters for live broadcasting, adding another level of congestion. Air-traffic professionals said that smaller aircrafts including balloons can compete for airspace with commercial airlines, and it is necessary to control all aircrafts. VIP helicopters will not be allowed to get close to stadiums, and all the national heads have to use ground traffic to get to the stadiums from downtown London.   Last year, UK Civil Aviation Authority promised to provide a detailed dedicated airspace plan for operators, which is subject to approval by the Ministry of Defense and other legislative bodies. Tight control is to be implemented over London and the Olympics Park between July 14 and August 15, to be somewhat loosened over the Paralympics between August 16 and September 12.
  NATS has the mandate to balance increasing demand for airspace. Based on broad consultation and simulation, NATS made a highly effective proposal –(CAS[T]) to increase air traffic without compromising on safety. Relevant UK authorities had revised the airspace restriction and ban originally proposed in March last year. This liberal approach can be learned by China, as more and more private jets are being acquired and used.
  Moreover, Southend and Biggin Hill airports near London can be alternatives for users. The most convenient airport to reach the main stadium in northeast London is definitely Standsted, but Southampton and Farnborough airports are great for sailboat games.
  OEM and Vendor Support
  Ground service providers offer effective aircraft management, clearance and documentation services. It is usually advisable to make the arrangement and pay all the fees in advance, and spare the crew of additional work after landing.
  Embraer announced well before the Games that it had a comprehensive plan to support customers traveling to London.
  Embraer work with Inflite The Jet Centre Ltd, the ASC at London Stansted to fulfill its promise; measures include doubling the team for AOG, for 24 hours and 7 days standby. The team is ready to go to any of the airports in London and other regions in the U.K. In addition, Inflite also provides tools for key tasks as well as equipment for ground support.
  Embraer shall further serve its customers through the EEJS in Paris. It will increase on-site aviation supply inventory at Inflite to $5million. Embraer will also step up on logistics support, taking special measures to enable customers to source aviation supply from any of its service centers. Contact centre is running 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
  Inflite provides a lounge, concierge, porter and parking services for arriving customers. It also offers information and advisory support on special flights operation and limits from its FBO. Established in 1983, Inflite Engineering is one of the leading aviation players in the U.K.
  Chinese Rarely Seen
  The London Olympics will definitely see charter and private planes from governments, top sponsors, large companies, the rich and famous. The Chinese companies however are conspicuously missing.   Aviation professionals think that Chinese companies and businessmen have yet to make use of corporate jets. In contrast, many fortune-500 companies regularly use jets, especially for top events. Foreign companies care a lot more for corporate image and efficiency.
  “In China jet users are mostly private companies, who are not really a strong force internationally. Even fewer could have a high profile at the Olympics. It is hard to imagine that if a Chinese company sponsors the Games, its top management would fly commercial airlines to be present at the Games. At the Beijing Games, sponsors all came on corporate jets.”
  A Beijing travel agency is marketing its Rmb8.88million super-luxury package for the London Games, including a Boeing BBJ private jet with more than 70-meter internal height. There is no confirmation of whether anybody has signed up. Another top club offered a 990,000/person package and planned to organize a 100-person group to go to London on private jets. The club eventually had to cancel the trip due to disappointing signing up.
  Gabriella Somerville, the head of Connect JETS told U-Jet that July and August are the holiday season in Europe, and now with the Games, the charter business in the entire Europe is extremely hot. It takes just a few thousand pounds to charter a plane from Malaga of Spain to Manchester in the U.K.
  The China marketing manager of Air Charter Service, a global charter operator said that the company quoted $320,000 for a China-London return trip and had already got some orders from a few individuals. The price has grown a lot with all the price increases in London; the crew alone costs a lot. Prices are still a key consideration for customers. We heard from another Beijing operator that two of their old customers had booked jets to London for the Games.
  Today, the approval process for cross-border routes is still lengthy. Operators have to make an application two weeks in advance and get the approval before taking off. In the U.S., one only needs to apply two hours before departure. In China, it still takes three days to apply for domestic routes. “In fact, flying on the first class of A380 to Europe isn’t that bad if customers don’t have special needs. Upon arrival, customers can use local jets to move within Europe. This option costs less and can be more efficient.”
去年以来,宣漢县紧跟经济发展步伐,探索新兴领域党建,把党建工作触角向商铺最密集、消费人群最多、人口密度最高的商业圈延伸,科学嵌入党建元素,以“四大工程”打造“戴着党徽齐发展、扛着红旗闯市场”的商圈发展模式。  实施商圈“安家”工程。明确由“两新”党工委牵头,把商圈市场党建工作纳入非公党建工作总体规划,针对商圈内党员分散不集中、党员活动无阵地等情况,派遣12名党建指导员帮助条件成熟企业成立党组织并建
以提升组织力为重点,突出政治功能,把企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、街道社区、社会组织等基层党组织建设成为宣传党的主张、贯彻党的决定、领导基层治理、团结动员群众、推动改革发展的坚强战斗堡垒。眉山市实施基层党建工作标准化建设,从最基础的工作抓起、最基本的要求严格要求,全面提升基层党组织组织力,引领群众坚定不移听党话、感党恩、跟党走。  健全基本组织 相融互促产业兴  3月14日至3月底,首届“中国
如何贯彻落实中央关于全面推进基层党组织标准化、规范化建设的部署要求,眉山市以“区分9个领域、聚焦7个基本”为抓手,积极探索基层党建工作标准化建设。本刊推出3篇系列报道,集中解析基层党建工作标准化建设的“眉山路径”。  新年伊始,眉山市青神县凤阳社区党委书记帅亚平真切地感受到了党建工作的压力。今年的党建工作述职,他要对照社区党建工作标准逐条梳理“交账”,公开述职接受党员评议测评。“对照清单找差距,登
114亿元收购  北京卓越航空工业公司董事长成身棕随后向外界表示,卓越航空收购美国豪客比奇公司的交易申请已经获得国家发改委的正式批文,这笔收购预计将在10月中下旬最终确定。根据协议,在45天的排他期限内,卓越航空将在双方进行交易最终协议谈判的同时开展确认性尽职调查。  豪客比奇首席执行官Steve Miller认为,卓越航空的方案反映出其将豪客比奇作为重大战略投资的意愿,保留豪客比奇的美国总部、管
近日,自贡市出台《抓党建服务民营企业发展十条措施》,充分发挥党的组织优势、组织功能、组织力量,积极营造良好营商环境,以高质量的民营企业党建工作聚力推动民营经济高质量发展。  做强引领服务“三大引擎”。强化民营企业政治引领,市委常委带头联系18户非公企业,选派党建指导员850名,对重点企业业主、党组织书记、党务干部分级全覆盖开展习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想教育培训;设立民营企业党建服务中心,提供
“请问出国旅游要申报哪些手续?”“我女儿女婿注册了一家公司,是不是需要向组织报告?”“我能否在区长寿研究会兼职?”最近,南充市嘉陵区委组织部陆续来了一些科级干部,大家纷纷咨询干部监督管理方面的相关规定。  为促使各级干部自觉在制度规定内履职尽责、严格自律,嘉陵区在系统梳理、充分贯彻相关法规制度的基础上,于2018年11月出台了以《加强干部监督管理“十项制度”》 《干部监督信息沟通管理实施办法》 《
政治功能是党组织的基本功能。基层党组织如何发挥政治功能?不少基层党组织书记心里没底。坚持把政治建设摆在首位,通过具体明确的标准推动基层党组织落实政治功能,是眉山市实施标准化建设的重要考量。针对九个领域的基层党组织分别制定50至70条工作标准,可以说条条都围绕着强化政治功能的要求。  组织生活“活”起来  “今年,我牢固树立‘四个意识’、增强‘四个自信’,认真履行党建第一责任人职责……”1月初,眉山
自去年实施“引老乡、回故乡、建家乡”行动计划以来,青神县吸引2000余名农民工回乡创业,有效助推了乡村振兴。  夯基筑台,五方联动凝聚组织力。坚持党组织引领返乡农民工创业,构建“县委总揽、乡镇党委统筹、村党支部主导、青年人才党支部引导、产业党支部推动”的五方联动责任体系。打捆帮带,“四级包联”解决需求诉求。推行乡镇党委班子成员包联村、村“两委”干部包联组、骨干党员1+N组团包联、专家能人一对一结对
去年以来,新龙县着力构建层层衔接、环环相扣责任链条,力争把基层党建工作抓实、抓细、抓到位。  制发“八张清单”,科学定责。分类分层下发《新龙县党建工作8张责任清单管理办法》和“新龙县党建工作8张任务清单”,科学化搭建责任体系。每季度紧扣任务清单推进情况和上级最新要求,下发“季度基层党建工作任务清单”,明确党建工作抓什么、怎么抓。制发《新龙县新时代党务干部工作手册》,让党务干部知责明责、干有标尺、做