有关专家提醒广大果农,发展油桃应注意以下5点: 一、气候条件要适宜油桃对气候条件的要求不太严格,一般来说,只要有桃树栽培的地区均可栽培。通常生长期平均气温在10~18℃,平均气温在 24~26℃,最有利于油桃生长结果,并且果实产量高,品质优良。油桃耐寒性较强,一般品种可耐冬季零下22℃低温。但是,耐冬季绝对低温的品种,不一定适应早春的变温。在北方地区,冬季严寒,生长季节热量不足及早春变温, 限制着油桃的发展。
The experts remind the majority of farmers, the development of nectarines should pay attention to the following 5 points: First, the climatic conditions should be suitable for nectarines on the climatic conditions are not strict, in general, as long as there are peach cultivated areas can be cultivated. Usually the average growth temperature of 10 ~ 18 ℃, the average temperature at 24 ~ 26 ℃, the most conducive to the results of nectarine growth, and the fruit yield, high quality. Nectar cold strong, the general varieties of winter temperatures can be minus 22 ℃ low temperature. However, the species resistant to low temperature in winter may not be suitable for the change of temperature in early spring. In the northern region, winter cold, lack of heat during the growing season and early spring temperature, limiting the development of nectarines.