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开展蔬菜中微量元素试验研究是提高蔬菜产量和质量的一项重要措施。辣椒喷施中量元素(硅、钙)水溶肥料可以促进辣椒生长,有效地控制畸形果数量,减少落果、烂果,提高辣椒产量。通过不同量级的中量元素(硅、钙)水溶肥料喷施试验,得出在适宜的喷施浓度内,辣椒单果质量、单果长度、产量随着喷施浓度的增加而增加,畸形果、病果数随着喷施浓度的增加而减少,喷肥处理产量与喷清水处理比较达显著水平,增产率9.3%~17.9%。 To carry out the study of trace elements in vegetables is an important measure to increase the yield and quality of vegetables. Pepper spraying medium amount of elements (silicon, calcium) water-soluble fertilizer can promote the growth of pepper, the effective control of the amount of deformed fruit, reduce fruit drop, rotten fruit, improve pepper yield. The results showed that under the proper spraying concentration, the quality of single peach, the length of single fruit, the yield of peach increased with the increase of spraying concentration, The number of disease and fruit decreased with the increase of spraying concentration. The yield of spray treatment was significantly higher than that of spraying water treatment, and the yield was 9.3% ~ 17.9%.