在“死亡之海”的腹地,在古老遥远的牙通古斯村,有一个全村唯一的汉族人,有一个被动乱年代逼迫成的“白毛男”,有一个“文革”“活化石”。 我们历尽艰辛,于10月24日中午到达牙通古斯村。刚进村口,一群维族老乡就围了上来,用激动的手势比划着:这里有一个汉族人,没走多远,迎面奔跑过来一个身材瘦小的老人,一见到我们,竟然跪了下来。他脸庞削瘦,一头白发,身子被岁月折弯了腰,两眼深凹,像是满怀着什么希望,又像
In the hinterland of “the sea of death”, there is an only Han nationality in the ancient and remote village of Tooth-gungus. There is a “white-skinned man” who was forced into an age of turmoil and a “living fossil” of the “Cultural Revolution.” We went through hardships and arrived in the Tooth-Gurus village at noon on October 24. Just entering the entrance to the village, a group of Uighur fellow encircled and gestured with excitement: There is a Han nationality who did not go far and ran in the face of a thin old man. When he saw us, he even knelt down. He had a thin face, a white hair, his body bent over by the years, deep in his eyes, like hope, full of hope