《我的母亲》丛刊已先后在香港、深圳、广州等地出版了四辑,深受群众欢迎。 1987年,广东省文史研究馆副馆长魏中天、邓崇禧,馆员廖献周、吕器等,接受海内外热心人士的支持和鼓励,在原有《我的母亲》(香港中国文化馆出版首辑)基础上更进一步拓宽办刊层面,邀请执笔的作者,遍及海峡两岸、五洲四海。从不同的角度和不同的侧面,热情讴歌当代贤母群的感
The series “My Mother” has successively published four series in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, which are well received by the masses. In 1987, on the basis of the original “My Mother” (the first series published by the Hong Kong Chinese Culture Center), Wei Zhongtian, Deng Chongxi, librarians Liao Xianzhou and Lu Qi, deputy curators of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of History and Culture received the support and encouragement from enthusiasts at home and abroad. To further broaden the run-level, inviting writers, across the Taiwan Strait, the four continents. From different angles and different sides, the passion for singing contemporary sense of the group