
来源 :江苏城市规划 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtiandetianming
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随着技术手段的发展和对风景区规划的更多关注,基于感性思维的风景区规划弊端逐步明显——规划分析缺乏系统性,规划成果缺乏科学性,规划实施缺乏可操作性。本文旨在探讨理性思维框架下,系统分析和技术手段在风景区规划中的应用,通过对风景区植被资源、地形条件、水资源、视觉影响、生态价值、文化资源、游赏价值等做出客观分析与评估,为风景区保护和利用提供依据,使规划更趋于系统性、科学性和可操作性。 With the development of technical means and more attention to scenic area planning, scenic spots planning based on sentimental thinking becomes more and more obvious. The lack of systematic planning analysis, lack of scientific planning results and lack of maneuverability in planning and implementation. This paper aims to explore the application of systematic analysis and technical means in the planning of scenic areas under the framework of rational thinking. Through the analysis of the vegetation resources, topographical conditions, water resources, visual impact, ecological value, cultural resources, tourist attractions and so on Objective analysis and evaluation provide the basis for the protection and utilization of scenic areas, making the planning more systematic, scientific and operational.
4月21日至23日,中国写作学会阅读学专业委员会(习称“中国阅读学研究会”)、《博览群书》杂志社与江苏常熟市古里镇政府联合举办了“书香古里”:2010年首届阅读节暨晚清藏书文化主题研讨会。  开幕式上,中国阅读学研究会授牌古里为全国首个“华夏书香之乡”。来自北京、天津、福建、河南、河北、湖南、山东、安徽、浙江、江苏等省市的专家学者汇聚一堂,进行了“书香古里”与“晚清藏书文化”主题研讨。  江苏省政
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