Israeli company claims invention of first “lab?grown”steak 以色列科学家研制首例实验室牛排

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  An Israeli company says it has produced the worlds first steak “grown” in a laboratory.
  Researchers from Tel Aviv?based Aleph Farms say they successfully created the meat using methods that do not harm animals. The company claims its scientific invention has the “true texture and structure of beef muscle tissue steak”.
  Shulamit Levenberg is the chief scientific officer of Aleph Farms. She considers the companys product “clean meat” because it is grown in a clean, controlled setting and does not require the killing of an animal.
  The process begins when scientists collect live cell tissue from real cows. Aleph Farms says this is easily completed without harming the animals. The cells are then fed nutrients to make them grow.
  The cells are then combined through a process that uses 3?D technology to form realistic tissue. The company says small pieces of meat can be produced in as little as three weeks, with each costing about $50 to make.
  Levenberg says animal meat grown in a controlled setting has mostly been limited to simple structures of one or two kinds of cell tissue. This has meant companies have struggled to produce a lab?grown meat that enjoys the similar texture, shape and taste of real steak. So far, cell?created meat development has been limited to ground meat.
  Aleph Farms uses four different kinds of animal cells found in traditional cuts of meat. As a result, it can produce a product containing similar properties of steak, including muscle, fat and connective tissues. The company considers this “the key to a product that will be closer to the beef that people crave”.
  The company is still developing its technology in an effort to bring production costs down. The steak product is expected to be ready to sell within two years. Aleph Farms hopes the process can greatly reduce the amount of land, water and food resources necessary for traditional beef production methods.
  1.Whats the first step to create “lab?grown” steak? (no more than 10 words)
  2.What kind of meat can be created in a lab? (no more than 3 words)
  3.Why do scientists regard the lab?grown meat as beef ? (no more than 8 words)
  I.Important vocabulary limited to
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