例1男,47岁。因间断性发热1月余于2005-02-05入院。2004-09从巴基斯坦回国后间断出现发热,体温最高达41.0℃,发热前有明显的寒战,伴咳嗽,鼻塞,咽痛,在当地医院按“感冒”给予“扑热息痛、布洛芬、头孢三嗪”等药物治疗,症状无缓解。患者17岁曾患“疟疾”(已治愈),为援外地质勘探工人。入院查体T41.0℃,P108次/min,R19次/min,BP 105/70mmHg,意识清,精神差,表情淡漠,全身皮肤、黏膜无黄染。心肺听诊无异常。腹平软,肝肋下未触及,脾肋下3.0cm可触及,质中等,无压痛;肠鸣音正常。双下肢无水肿。检验血WBC 3.8×10~9/L,GR 37.9%,RBC 4.41×10~(12)/L,PLT
Example 1 male, 47 years old. Due to intermittent fever January more than in 2005-02-05 admission. 2004-09 Fever occurred intermittently after returning from Pakistan with a fever of 41.0 ° C. There was a significant chills, cough, stuffy nose, and sore throat before fever. Local patients were given “cold” given “paracetamol, ibuprofen, Triazine ”and other drug treatment, no relief of symptoms. 17-year-old patient suffering from “malaria” (has been cured), for the foreign geological exploration workers. Admission examination T41.0 ℃, P108 times / min, R19 times / min, BP 105 / 70mmHg, clear consciousness, poor spirit, apathy, systemic skin, mucosa without yellow dye. Cardiopulmonary auscultation no abnormalities. Abdomen flat soft, liver ribs did not touch, spleen 3.0cm under the ribs can reach, medium quality, no tenderness; bowel sounds normal. No lower extremity edema. Blood WBC 3.8 × 10 ~ 9 / L, GR 37.9%, RBC 4.41 × 10 ~ (12) / L, PLT