自1954年 Armstrong 设计一种中耳通气管用于耳科临床以来,现在应用通气管作为渗出性中耳炎的治疗手段业已风靡全球。据 Bluestone(1982)报导,美国接受中耳插管的儿童已年达100万,成为最常行的全麻下小手术。估计美国每年用于此项手术的医疗费用达20亿美元。然而通气管在渗出性中耳炎治疗中的作用和适应症、疗效及其可能的合并症等方面还存在着不少问题。兹就部分近期文献作一简单综述。
Since Armstrong designed a middle ear ventilation tube for otology in 1954, the use of ventilation tubes as a treatment for exudative otitis media has become widespread worldwide. According to Bluestone (1982), the number of children receiving intubation in the United States has reached 1 million annually, becoming the most common minor surgery under general anesthesia. It is estimated that the United States will spend up to $ 2 billion a year on the medical treatment for this operation. However, the role of the ventilation tube in the treatment of exudative otitis media and indications, efficacy and possible complications there are still many problems. Here is a brief summary of some recent articles.