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最近,北京、上海等地人均GDP“接近富裕国家水平”的报道备受关注。但这能说明啥呢?GDP不过是一个宏观经济数据,人均GDP接近富国水平,并不能证明人均财富拥有量接近富裕国家水平。GDP从国家公共形态转为公民个人财富,尚有赖于国家和政府执政职 Recently, the reports that per capita GDP in Beijing and Shanghai have been “close to the level of the rich countries” have drawn much attention. But what does this mean? GDP is nothing more than a macroeconomic data. GDP per capita is close to the level of rich countries and does not prove that wealth per capita is close to the level of wealthy countries. The transformation of GDP from a national public form into a citizen’s personal wealth depends on the state and government in power
随着近年来世界顶级建筑师在国内的大量实践,本土建筑师在国际建筑业的声名远扬,建筑设计行业越发为国人所关注和尊重,建筑师的社会影响也日趋有力。2012年底保利拍卖和自造社携手思班机构,召集中国著名建筑师试水保利秋拍设计品专场,首度亮相即晒出了完美成绩单,最高成交价51万元,成交率超过80%,成为保利拍卖的一大亮点,并引发关于建筑手稿和模型艺术价值、收藏价值的全新思考。  2013年保利春季拍卖推出了