What Is Culture?——A Grounding Question for Cognitive Semiotics

来源 :Language and Semiotic Studies | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ll730520
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This article first outlines the principle of a cognitive semiotics,and in this framework presents a sign classification taking into consideration the crucial importance of time.It then offers a stratified interpretation of the Lotmanian concept of semiosphere,and continues with a study of the contradiction holding between cultural and socio-functional meanings.This leads to an analysis of ethnic passions and ethnic identity,and finally to a new analysis of homo metonymicus,and the two underlying cognitive structures based on the genitive and the dative schemas,that orient the human imaginary,for better or for worse. This article first outlines the principle of a cognitive semiotics, and in this framework presents a sign classification taking into consideration the crucial importance of time.It then offers a stratified interpretation of the Lotmanian concept of semiosphere, and continues with a study of the contradiction holding between cultural and socio-functional meanings. This leads to an analysis of ethnic passions and ethnic identity, and finally to a new analysis of homo metonymicus, and the two underlying cognitive structures based on the genitive and the dative schemas, that orient the human imaginary , for better or for worse.
5月 2 4日 ,正准备到外地出差 ,传来老友何善逝世的消息 ,我心中十分悲痛 ,百感交集 .老何在学术与年龄方面均是我的兄长 ,我在北大数学力学系念书的时候 ,他已在中科院数
诗歌是俄罗斯文学的一块瑰宝。在十九世纪的俄罗斯 ,它的作用尤为重大。当伟大的普希金、莱蒙托夫、涅克拉索夫等诗才光芒四射的时候 ,人们偶尔也会听到从那安静的一隅传出的
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